
Meatless Monday (by Diana Liang)

      In a society where one cannot go a day without hearing about any number of environmental problems plaguing mankind, “reduce, reuse, and recycle” has been etched into most of our brains. In fact, we’re all pretty familiar with most conventional programs aimed at saving the environment. Such programs include switching over to renewable sources of energy, such as solar power, wind power, etc. Many of us have also heard...

Opinion: Do Not Walk on Grass During Maintenance

If you're not blind, you would have noticed the school has inserted many metal signs around campus by the grass saying "Do Not Walk on Grass During Maintenance".  What is with the vagueness of the message? When is "during maintenance". I believe students can safely assume that as long as there are no workers working on the grass or the sprinklers aren't on - the grass is NOT under maintenance. The school definitely did not specify....

How To Survive a School Hallway (from Sparknotes)

Ah, the hallway! Home to the most bizarre, hilarious, and tragic events. (As we know, Zhong Xing Buildings Hallways are not wide enough even for two people going in two different directions. ) https://community.sparknotes.com/2010/05/03/how-to-survive-a-high-school-hallway When it's rush hour on the road, you get a fender bender. But when it's rush hour in the halls, you get an all-out blood bath. To help you avoid injury, I decided to...

Movie Review: Twilight (by Diana Liang)

Movie Review: Twilight (by Diana Liang)
          A general rule about book-turned-movies is that the movies are almost always terrible. The acting is almost always virtually nonexistent, and story lines tend to somehow disappear. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Sometimes, despite this rule, people get their hopes up. Unluckily for Twilight fans, the movie was just as bad as your average book-turned-movie, which is to say,...

Poem: Hiroshima (by Silentread)

Poem: Hiroshima (by Silentread)
Peaceful storm – calm, yet black. Rain drifts down like snowflakes. The cloud does not hang, but floats, like the mysterious, graceful jellyfish. Flowers of flame bloom vividly like coral on the rooftops, in the streets; everything else withering. The storm pounds down upon me, putting me into an  eternal sleep.   

Poem: Shine (by Daniel Dong)

Shall I love you for the Mirrored May, Thou keep me wait a winter in maze. Cool breeze and baked me wish your tender embrace, I should no longer mingle thoughts, my mate. A lot of things happened when you were gone those days, Our roads did deviate, and the landscape not the same.  As usual, you left Dark gyre of thoughts and grayish mood, Rainy indoor wondering what to do, There was withering everywhere, And cold breeze kept my skin old as...

Opinion: School Sanitation

Opinion: School Sanitation
A clean and sanitary environment is necessary for students and all sane human beings. While many students are impassive concerning school cleanliness, another group is rather upset about the horrendously decrepit state of classrooms. There are cobwebs in the corners, and trash on the floor, and dirt in the halls, and filth on the windowsills, and sticky residue on the desks, and the toilets do not always flush properly, and layers of dust on the...

Game Review: Defense of the Ancients (By Sky Zhou)

Game Review: Defense of the Ancients (By Sky Zhou)
  简介: DotA是Defense of the Ancients的缩写, 是一个基于魔兽争霸3:冰封王座(由暴雪娱乐公司出品)的多人实时对战自定义地图,可以支持10个人同时连线DOTA官方全称Logo游戏。现更新作者为美国人Ice Frog。DotA可以基于局域网、Battle.net以及个人服务器进行对战。在该系列的All Stars一作中,玩家也可以通过设置变量,与AI进行对战。All stars 5.84c版曾经作为2005年马来西亚与新加坡WCG大赛的比赛项目,同时也是CAL的常设项目。目前中国玩家主要的DOTA平台有VS,浩方,QQ,GG,超级对战平台 ,掌门人,傲比对战平台等平台。DotA作为目前在Battle.net上最流行的一款对战地图已经有许多不同的版本。       英雄名称和技能   近卫敏捷...

Poem: A Painter (by Daniel Dong)

The man stands at Somewhere on earth. His face wrinkles the Footage he tried before. Oh the beard Milky River in a damp, deep, hollow old valley. He holds a brush, His face a flush. Here’s another stroke. An ideal since he is ten-year-old. A creamy layer thickens The paint called Reality. An action for the ideal Since his ancestry. But the paint, Thicker and thicker, Thicker and thicker, Though most bright and colorful, Seems transparent. By...

Movie Review: Shutter Island (By Daniel Chan)

Movie Review: Shutter Island (By Daniel Chan)
  From Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese, and based on the best-selling thriller by Dennis Lehane, comes Shutter Island, a tale of haunting mystery and psychological suspense that unfolds entirely on a fortress-like island housing a hospital for the criminally insane, The year is 1954, at the height of the Cold War, when U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels (three-time Academy Award nominee Leonardo Dicaprio) and his new partner Chuck Aule...

Other/長大(原创) Jeremy Shen 10(5)

       走在沙塵中雙腳陷在炎熱的沙中,回頭望了望身後上漸漸被風吹亂的一串串腳印,越遠越模糊,甚至已經看不出我曾經走過。而遙望著綠洲的另一邊,前方能看到的卻又是那無邊無際的沙漠,高聳的沙山,深遂的峽谷,我將會越走越遠,因為找不到回頭的路了。        我自認為算是很幸運的小孩了;因為我已經比別人經歷過了很多事。走在成長的沙漠中,我看到的遠遠不只是單調的沙漠,也途經綠洲,搭載過駱駝,也穿越了海市蜃樓。在困苦的時候我曾經以為我看到了休息的地方,在炎熱的沙漠中寂寞的我拼命走過去,但往往都只是海市蜃樓罷了。但每當我快要放棄的時候,夜晚卻總會降臨,而此時的炎熱全都消失不見了,但卻有刺骨的冰冷餘存。這時駱駝們卻會依偎在身邊,讓我取暖,讓我感受溫馨。充滿鼓勵的夜晚過去後,又是一個萬里無雲的好天氣,此時陪伴我的沙子,仙人掌友善了起來,...

Movie/Book Differences (by Clare Tang)

Movie/Book Differences (by Clare Tang)
  Books and movies. There's always some difference between the two, it's just the level of difference between them. Some people argue that movies have the action, adventure and the imagary that the book lacks but in contrast the book is the origin therefore should have the automatic win. Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief is one of the many examples of a book turned into a movie. The movie wasn't a terrible one but the plot was different...

Game Review: Just Cause 2 (By Daniel Chan)

Game Review: Just Cause 2 (By Daniel Chan)
 Just Cause 2 is ridiculous in the best possible way. In the space of a few moments, you can grapple to a hovering helicopter; beat up the pilot and hijack the chopper; blow up a cluster of fuel tanks; put the chopper on a collision course with an enormous antenna; jump out at the last moment; and watch the resulting explosion as you parachute to the ground below. But in the life of Rico Rodriguez, such events are just another day at the...

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