Opinion: Do Not Walk on Grass During Maintenance

If you're not blind, you would have noticed the school has inserted many metal signs around campus by the grass saying "Do Not Walk on Grass During Maintenance". 

  1. What is with the vagueness of the message? When is "during maintenance". I believe students can safely assume that as long as there are no workers working on the grass or the sprinklers aren't on - the grass is NOT under maintenance. The school definitely did not specify. Therefore, we can walk on the grass - then what's the point of the sign!
  2. What is the purpose of planting grass if we cannot walk on it? To look pretty for visiting/future students of SHSID?
  3. There has been discussion between students (back when circling the grass-area was necessary to get to P.E.) that the school should just build a path. Why not? The money spent on the barriers (bamboo fences, rope fences that needed constant replacement) could have been used to cover significant portions of the creation of a simple path. 
  4. Where does all this money for the grass (fertilization, planting, maintenance) come from? I would rather my tuition went to improving the decrepit Zhong Xing Building. Widening the impossible hallways for example. 

Well, just something for readers to think about. 

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