Opinion: School Sanitation

Opinion: School Sanitation

A clean and sanitary environment is necessary for students and all sane human beings. While many students are impassive concerning school cleanliness, another group is rather upset about the horrendously decrepit state of classrooms. There are cobwebs in the corners, and trash on the floor, and dirt in the halls, and filth on the windowsills, and sticky residue on the desks, and the toilets do not always flush properly, and layers of dust on the air conditioner, and more layers of dust everywhere, and when it rains there is mud everywhere. Maybe it’s just the old school furniture that gives an appearance of filth.

Our school however, is much more sanitary than many places in Shanghai (we are, after all, in China). Of course we absolutely cannot compare ourselves to other international schools like SAS or Concordia, but if we look at other local schools, we’re not that bad. However, there is still a lot our school can do to improve and to make our environment cleaner, says an anonymous 10th grade student.

But who really causes all this trash? Students do. We do. If you hung around after the Charity fair, you would notice litter everywhere, left behind by our building's several hundred consumers. Members from the 10th grade Volunteer Club and the ASB cleaned up afterwards. I implore readers to protect our environment and keep our school clean.  =)

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