Movie/Book Differences (by Clare Tang)

Movie/Book Differences (by Clare Tang)


Books and movies. There's always some difference between the two, it's just the level of difference between them. Some people argue that movies have the action, adventure and the imagary that the book lacks but in contrast the book is the origin therefore should have the automatic win. Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief is one of the many examples of a book turned into a movie.

The movie wasn't a terrible one but the plot was different and many characters were left out. In the movie, the main storyline was traveling around America to find three of Persephone's pearls. Percy, Grover and Annabeth retrevied the pearls at three different cities. In the book, however, the main storyline was going t o the underworld and instead of going on a jounrey to look for the pearls as they were gifted to Percy by a Nerid,a spirit of the sea and serve Poseidon in his court.         Another big difference between the movie and the book is that Percy and the people around him didnt know that he was the son if Poseidon. Although some had a few suspicions, one of them being Grover. In the movie, you know he is the Sea God's son from the very beginning while the in book, you find out who percy's father is after a game of capture the flag. Their ages are also different. Percy, Annabeth and Grover are meant to be 11-12 years of age but in the movie they look 16 and they can drive a car. Annabth's appearence also differs between movie and book. Children of Athena are all meant to have blonde hair and grey eyes but it wasn't shown in the movie as Annabeth had brown hair and blue eyes.

         Overall, the movie wasn't bad for one based on a book. Most characters followed their storyline and personalites.

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